Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fire Prevention Week

October 5 - 11, 2008

Each year, the week surrounding the date of October 9th is celebrated as National Fire Prevention Week. Why October 9th? The date commemorates the infamous “Great Chicago Fire” of 1871 that killed 250 people and destroyed over 17,000 homes

More on Fire Prevention Week from Cal Fire

CAL FIRE responds to over 300,000 emergencies and calls for service each year. Over 5,000 of these emergencies are fires inside homes and other buildings. That’s why the theme of Fire Prevention Week 2008 is “Prevent Home Fires!”
From October 5-11, 2008, CAL FIRE and fire departments across the country will be encouraging their communities to check their homes for fire hazards. With a little extra caution, preventing the leading causes of home fires – cooking, heating, electrical and smoking-materials – is within their power.

3. Everyday Electrical Safety
Keep lamps, light fixtures, and light bulbs away from anything that can burn, such as lamp shades, bedding, curtains, and clothing.
Replace cracked and damaged electrical cords.
Never use extension cords for permanent wiring. Consider having additional circuits or receptacles added by a qualified electrician.
Homes with young children should have tamper-resistant electrical receptacles.

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